How to Bulletproof Your Wealth

2 years ago

I've been wanting to release this series for a LOOOONNG time and it's finally time to show you all how to Bulletproof your wealth!

In this first video, I am interviewing my good friend and creator of the Bulletproof Wealth Strategy, Tom Laune. Tom is the Jedi Master of using highly customized whole life insurance policies to create some really amazing wealth building and maintaining strategies for his clients. Tom almost exclusively works with real estate investors because the strategies he employs are highly advantageous to real estate investing. These strategies have been used by the most elite entrepreneurs of our time (Think Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie) to not only create, but also store MASSIVE wealth AND security for their heirs.

This series is going to cover some heavy stuff, so bust out your pen and paper, put your big boy/girl pants on, and don't be afraid to hit the rewind button if you need it. We're going to drop a TON of knowledge in the next couple weeks, AND I have a bonus video I'm working on that will put the whole concept into execution (which is the whole point, right???)

I hope you guys enjoy the content. Hit me up with any questions, comments, bitches, moans, or complaints; I want to hear em' all, haha!

Here's to your BULLETPROOF WEALTH!!!

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