Falling into a matrix hole and navigating our work spaces, a conversation with Olya Ananda Shakti

2 years ago

Olya and myself are discussing different themes such as boundary settings and "take care of others" programming. We agree on the fact that time always reveal the truth in the details of our 3D life.

Others especially the ones who are not spirited but also other reals used negatively are generally used in order to distract, disrupt, plug in and reactivate old traumas and old wounds. Backdrop characters are also meant to encourage us to stay within the 3D frames. It becomes all complicated because of Stochkolm Syndrome and our attachment and sense of longing for our past handlers.

This system is designed to encourage everyone to be plugged to negativity and negative thought forms in order for us the reals to create exactly from that place of negativity. When employers give a feedback where only the negative points are brought to our attention, it does target our self esteem and is meant to harvest energy because of the internal states this will trigger. These work environments are mainly plugged in to the simulation and most of these coworkers and bosses do not have a spirit.
The system also wants us engaged in petty drama and to give our codes while our needs are not met.

The suffering disappears when we realize most of what we have experienced was not real and that we were buying into an illusion.
Our weaknesses are being revealed as they keep on being abused.
This is the chance for us to identify where we need to get stronger and to heal our wounds and remember to go beyond.

You will find Olya here
For a yoga online course with Olya: https://www.ariapersei.com/yoga-with-olya/
For a Vedic Astrology reading contact Olya at olya.ananda.shakti@gmail.com

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