Documentary - Earthquake Resistant | 1000-year old architecture | Koti Banal | Uttarakhand

2 years ago

Koti Banal in the Rajgarhi area of Uttarkashi district is a small hamlet of fewer than 600 people. The historic homes in this village display traditional knowledge of earthquake-resistant architecture. Even after many centuries, we see numerous multi-story houses in this mountainous village. A four-story house is known as Chaukhat, and a five-story house is called Panchapura.

The architectural style of this village reveals the secrets of construction techniques similar to blockhouse principles used today. Many of these structures are the architectural foundations of current earthquake-resistant architecture.

According to research, this region developed an intricate and stunning earthquake-resistant construction style as early as 1000 AD. Koti Banal is well known for its unique construction style. We find a similar architectural style in villages across Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.

This construction style must have been the outcome of the earthquakes in the past. The fact that these structures are still intact is an architectural marvel. In 1991, an earthquake registering a magnitude of 6.8 struck Uttarkashi, killing at least 1000 people and injuring another 2000, damaging properties worth millions. Many new buildings failed to withstand this earthquake. But the structures built using the Koti Banal architectural style were unmoved.

Koti Banal's architectural style demonstrates elaborate methods to site selection, platform preparation, and construction principles similar to that of modern framed structures.

The construction involves locally sourced wooden logs and stones. The design suggests that those in charge of construction were well aware of the forces that would act on the structure during an earthquake.

Fundamental aspects of Koti Banal architecture are:

• Simple structure.
• Construction on a solid raised platform.
• Incorporation of wooden beams throughout the building at regular intervals.

Dr. Piyoosh Rautela of Disaster Mitigation and Management Centre, Uttarakhand Govt. and Girish Chandra Joshi have detailed the architectural style in their research.

Research by Dr. Piyoosh Rautela and Girish Chandra Joshi:
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