The Beloved- A Modern Day Love Story Between Christ and His Bride

3 years ago

Many years ago, I was inspired by life’s circumstances to write a love story that demonstrates God’s love for us. I knew where the story would start, and there was an image that someone shared with me regarding her desire to slow dance with Jesus on the water in a white dress. It was such a beautiful picture and desire!

So one day I sat down to start writing the story, and as I wrote, my hand couldn’t move as fast as the story was coming to me. It was like God allowed me to experience some things so that the emotions and experiences I had were able to shape this story, and it just came out of me. I hardly took a second to read over what I wrote, and instead I just kept writing. 4 hours later I finished the story and read back over what I wrote. It was so beautiful, and so a-typical of my writings.

I believe that this is a story that God wants to get out to the public. His reputation and intentions towards humanity have been so twisted that most people do not have an accurate understanding of God and his love and desire for each and every one of us. I hope that this story can help this generation understand the heart behind the gospel message.

This story has since been picked up and adapted to be made into a full-length movie. It is currently still being worked on and the release date is still TBD.

As you listen to this story, please remember that this is God’s love story of how he loves YOU personally.

Then after listening to the story, enjoy 2 love songs that celebrates that love that God has for us which follows the narration in this video.

For the videos to those 2 songs and to support their channel go to the following links:

Come Away With Me by Norah Jones:

I Can’t Wait by Merchant Band:

For a description of the gospel message and how you can start a relationship with God check out my video called: My Most Important Speech Ever!! at:…-ever-the-gospel-message.html

To go to the other videos on my channel go to:

Description written Feb. 25, 2024.

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