🇺🇸Freedom! Tucker, Bannon as leaders in this new realignment...Episode #90

2 years ago

Note: Cover photo is of me on the traveling rings on the Santa Monica beach, taken by Jiah on Friday, Feb. 4, 2021.
Tucker Carlson’s “Fox Nation” interview with Dr. Robert Malone is a must-see! (It is also posted on the Rumble channel RedpillUSAPatriots.) It’s an amazing #WalkAway video, and even though I’ve listened to zillions of Dr. Malone’s interviews, I learned still more from this one.
Other topics covered: the fabulous Freedom Trucker convoy and its impacts; Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (“the Party of Davos”); Dr. Pierre Kory’s interview with Del Bigtree on thehighwire.com; the John Hopkins study dissing lockdowns as a strategy; the recent study in Cell on dangers of the synthetic mRNA; thoughts on George Soros and China; more horrors regarding the Covid jab (NOT a vaccine, by the way!): Why an ex-fund manager from BlackRock now advises to “go long” on funeral homes and short on life insurance companies; information leaked from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) indicates MAJOR increases in medical problems in what are clearly (to discerning folks, anyway!) due to the COVID jab rollout in 2021; an embalmer’s story on Dr. Jane Ruby’s show (available on Rumble channel stewpeters) of never-before-seen long stringy clots in blood vessels of dead people; a discussion of retired Canadian scientist Natalie K. Bjorklund-Gordon concerns and observations regarding the current and potential future problems with the Covid jabs.
I even show a horrific photo of tumors coming out of a dead woman’s arms where the jabs had been taken place!

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