Russia will invade Ukraine and attack America!!!

3 years ago

Time is up and fools are eating and drinking and not knowing that at any second the trumpet will sound and thousands of people will be gone and those left behind will be in the most hostile wicked world without God and the world will be so bad and Russia, China, Iran, north Korea will attack America and destroy it and there will be no survivors at all, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and America is far worse then Sodom and Gomorrah! Black people are stealing all the time and bunch of hateful thugs, abortion is ok, gays, lesbians and trans are in churches now, America is so wicked that God has had it and will destroy America and those left behind in America will be put to death like Babylon did to the Jews in Israel, Biden, Harris and all the clowns will be in hell and deserve it, like those who got the vaccines and wear face diapers deserve the lake of fire, God has had enough with the wicked, the cultist, the lukewarm phony church people, the gays, lesbians and trans and everyone who rejected Jesus will suffer God judgement in the tribulation! God will not be all loving or merciful at all but very harsh and angry, He will be cleaning house and few will be saved in the tribulation, the rest will worship the antichrist and will regret it!! Time is up and judgement has begun!!

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