Cynchranici-Tea 13-3

2 years ago

Welcome To Episode 13-3 Of Our Podcast, Cynchranici-Tea, Where We Know That No-Thing Is a Coincidence, and Everything Is Intentional

How Do You Feel About That?

Let's Talk About It

This Thirteenth Episode Is Dedicated To Exploring What Money ACTUALLY Means and What The Spiritual Significance of Money is.

Money Doesn't Exist In Nature. Money is Not Real. Can You Show Me Money? Nah, You Showing Me Money is Like Showing Me Your Imagination. It's Only Going To Be Possible THROUGH NATURE

Before The Internet, Money Was Backed By The Natural Elements Of Earth, Trees, and Metal.

Now, Although Money Only Matters Because Of Metal and Natural Earth Materials, We Are Seeing More and More Clearly How Money Is Simply An Invisible Idea Created To Connect With Other Individuals

As An Indigenous Man, If I Have All Of My Own Land, Food, Family, and Resources, Why Would I Care About Your "Money"? I Couldn't Possibly Care About Your Idea Of "Value" When I Have My Physical Circumstances Set Up Perfectly

All You Can Do, As A Light Supremacist, Is Steel My Land, Body, and Resources With Your Idea Of Money, Because You Want To Control, Consume, and Colonize The Creations I've Cultivated From My Caduceus

Now, You're Showing Me That You Value My Frequency, Vibration, Energy, Attention, Belief, and Resources More Than Your Own Space, Or Else You'd Be Happy Alone Instead Of Trying To Convince Me To Be A Convict Of Your Government

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