God Our Healer - God's Food Guide

2 years ago

Are we ‘living in the truth’ when it comes to God’s revelation, including God’s food guide? It is God’s wish to prosper us so we can be in good health, and experience a successful, abundant life. But we must be walking in the truth — actually doing the things that produce health. And the scriptures offer important advice on spiritual and physical wellbeing.

We live in a time when the whole world has been seduced to believe in lies, and has wandered from the truth, the reality. As a result, we suffer the consequences of being divorced from reality, and one of those consequences is ill health. Many Christians have been taught that what you do physically does not impact your life spiritually, but this is not the reality as defined by God’s divine revelation. So what is the truth of the matter?

View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the 'sola scriptura' perspective.
It is God's spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.






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