The Nature of the Cage - Mass Formation (OFFICIAL)

3 years ago

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Please support future projects - We are currently working on a part 2, that will be taking a close look at virology.

The Nature of the Cage – Mass Formation, is a feature length documentary cataloguing the information and disinformation presented by the media and politicians over the last two years. We can't say much in the description, as the YouTube bots are looking for keywords to take down videos of this nature.

We do not realistically expect this documentary to last long on YouTube, as videos going against the mainstream narrative do not seem to last long. We will be uploading the documentary to Rumble, BitChute etc.. Links will be put in this description, as they become available.

Please feel free to mirror

Fair use / Fair dealing

Under US and UK law, provisions have been made for 'Exceptions to copyright' for educational, news, criticism and reporting purposes. We believe our film qualifies for this as it is not for profit and is educational in nature. Please see link below.

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