The Stew Peters Show, The Canadian Trucker Protest why the grievances of we the people

2 years ago

The citizens who rely on the television to tell them the truth is leading people to the slaughter, but we need to save lives in the name of jesus no matter how hard the demonic cabal comes down on us. This cabal is also going hard on all insurgents who are going against the mainstream narrative. Doctor Martin highlighted that on April 2020 Justin Trudeau said that “normalcy as we know it will not come back until we get a vaccine in the market”. According to doctor David martin Canada controlled the mrna platform and the gene therapy was an economic win for Canada. Justin Trudeau isn’t promoting science, he is promoting an illegal monopoly on mRNA technology vaccines. This is why Trudeau is refusing to negotiate with anybody no matter how much pressure comes. In modern democracy, shouldn’t there be a regress of grievances against corporations and their criminal conspiring governments? This is a situation where the illogic of his statements where he won’t even consider the complaints from the people and he only keeps doubling down on enforcing an unpopular vaccine mandate, this was never about injecting people for their health. This is an illegal monopoly in which they are setting price fixing and they are eliminating worldwide competition that developed the mRNA technologies that make it work. Without Canada, there is no injection, that was illegal in the last turn of the century and it is illegal now. Is there an entity that can hold Justin Trudeau and hold him liable? Right now, courts are meeting at both sides of the border and the courts are being railroaded into he conspiracy but the fact of the matter numerous domestic felonies are happening to the people of Canada, Trudeau is actually committing crimes. Courts are going to make weakened judgments on whether or not Truckers have the right to ‘protoest’. The fact of the matter is that people in Canada and people in the United States thinking of doing similar actions. The conditions of democracy are at stake, and people must distribute this information as far and wide as possible. This message has to land to the hearts and minds of people who still have a modicum of integrity. This is organized crime, this is what these statutes are all about and when you tell the world that their justification for all this tyranny are laws that were written hundreds of years ago. Part of the reason why this is so frustrating is that governments worldwide are all just being greedy over these vaccine pattons and Canada who won out in the end gets paid for every shot administered. Ultimately moderna lost, so literally Canada is getting paid for every shot. Right now, there are a couple of meeting in Ottawa and the bridge closing in Alberta. Right now 25% of the trade goes across one of those bridges and if the courts rule for the criminal government of Canada, then the people are going to lose. It doesn’t matter what the courts do at this point, this is a pivotal point in history. People have common sense and they can sense when something is very corrupt even if they can’t articulate exactly what is wrong and the irrationality of what is not being met in Ottawa is there is a coverup of the financial crime when he said the world would never return to normal without a vaccine. Its no wonder that the average citizen feels in their gut that something is very wrong, crimes are being committed against humanity, and these crimes must be met with liability. We can’t have two sides saying, ‘I’m right and they’re wrong’. The truckers are standing rightly for the rights of people and we need to support them as much as possible. So what happens if the courts end up backing the criminal government? lawlessness prevailing will lead to a situation where there is a disruption of the status quoue and where we are now is that we have taken enough and it is time to recognize that we have one more point of civil discourse and we must make our grievances known to the world which is what this interview is doing right now, we are putting the public sector on notice that we the people have tried every single form of redress. What we’re doing is the right thing is we are asking for accountability and if we are still ignored then the constitution is very clear we must declare that the government is no longer a servant of the people. There is no room for pontification. Corrupt judges exist on both sides of the border, but if the military gets involved or god forbid if violence is used against we the people, there will be judgement on these officials who authorized such an act and accountability will be had! The media is the head of the beast here, they are the problem! I pray that the courts do the right thing, and that law enforcement do the right thing. We need people to understand that they are standing for what is right, and they are standing for what is true and history will put them down as the true heroes of the world.

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