Game Boy Advance 2022 ROM Hacks

3 years ago

Here are a few Game Boy Advance ROM Hacks that have been released in 2022 and some of these are still being worked on. The purpose of the video is to showcase some new ROM Hacks in case people wanted to give them a try. Below are the 5 games and the links you can use to find the patch. Patching the ROMs are is the same method as patching to play on the analogue pocket, the main difference is you just move the patch game to a flash cart without changing the extension to .pocket.



Advance Wars Story:

Castlevania Aria of Sorrow - Recolor by JonataGuitar:

Final Fantasy I DoS Maeson:

Fire Emblem 8 The Fallen Princess:

Spyro Advance:

How to apply an IPS Patch


00:00 - Start

1:01 - Advance Wars Story

5:01 - Castlevania Aria of Sorrow - Recolor by JonataGuitar

12:18 - Final Fantasy I DoS Maeson

16:54 - Fire Emblem 8 The Fallen Princess

21:50 - Spyro Advance

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