"Truth stands up to debate, lies need to be censored" | Justin Trudeau's half brother Kyle Kemper

2 years ago

The Turd said on February 8th, 2022, referring to the freedom protesters:

"Individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy and our fellow citizens' daily life. It has to stop."

The first sentence is completely ironic, because it was Trudeau who blockaded the economy, not the protesters. It was Trudeau who blockaded democracy, not the protesters. It was Trudeau who blockaded Canadian citizens' daily lives, not the protesters.

NB: Trudeau might say the HE did not do all this, but a VIRUS. This is a complete lie. There WAS a disease that was about 2-3x as dangerous as the seasonal flu, especially for old obese people with multiple comorbidities and low vitamin D blood levels. Safe and effective prevention and early treatment has been known since about April of 2020. The measures of mass destruction were NEVER needed and have ALWAYS been doing significantly more harm than good, assuming they have any positive effect at all.

The second sentence is true: Trudeau's measures of mass destruction HAVE to stop and effective actions need to be taken to make sure they can NEVER come back.

Kyle Kemper says, "Those who cast hate onto other groups, are themselves representing hate and division". Hear, hear.

The people who support the government's actions...

"cannot enter into a debate on this, because your 'science' doesn't stand up to debate. Truth stands up to debate, lies need to be censored, and you need to use 'fact checkers' and 'misinformation' quotes and an army of blue check marks to propagate a narrative."

P.S. The Turd also said, "The people of Ottawa ... don't deserve to be confronted with the inherent violence of a swastika flying on a street corner." See the following video for discussion why that swastika was most likely a photoshoot orchestrated by propagandists to use as a weapon against peaceful protesters who threaten the ruling elite's agenda:


SOURCE: https://youtu.be/KkNvcyopNW8

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