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Kevin Spacey Brother Speak Up

3 years ago

Nicholas Veniamin Interviews


  • 0/2000
  • I know that must have been hard to speak about, and I am sorry that he had to experience that and also having to know that his brother was a part of these evil atrocities, but as i just typed.... Thats only PART of the evil.... What about the satanic pedovore and sacrificial aspect of it??? Not taking anything away from the abusive sexual part of the this disgusting problem.... but to add the other two??? Kevin Spacey is the total package when involving evil... consumes flesh and adrenal-chrome and partakes in the murder of the abused after they are done.... i personally remember the ufcked up commercial a few years ago of him all in character talking about he knew where the bodies where buried... Again... sorry to even speak on it considering he’s the brother and all but the souls of the ones that arent even alive to speak up on it is the true issue and needs to not only be addressed but resolved.

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