Nearly half of Canadians sympathize with trucker convoy, but many disagree with their tactics

2 years ago

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In Ipsos polling exclusive to Global News, 46 per cent of Canadians say while they may not agree with everything that is being said or done, truckers' frustration is “legitimate and worthy” of sympathy.

On the other hand, 54 per cent of Canadians who participated in this poll believe that people taking part in the protests do not “deserve any of our sympathy” and that what they “have said and done is wrong.”

“It’s not that people are tired. They’re very frustrated,” Darrell Bricker, CEO of Ipsos public affairs told Global News. “And what’s happened is that this protest has become a lightning rod for that frustration.”

Bricker said the results of the poll show that Canadians don’t necessarily agree with the blocking of Parliament Hill in Ottawa or the Nazi imagery popping up in some protests, but most are frustrated with the COVID-19 mandates.

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