We Are All the Same

3 years ago

Pray without ceasing. Don't share your issues. We all are born in sin. Speak the truth to the lie. Doubt every thought.
00:00 All thoughts are lies
00:51 Deal with small things
01:29 Pray
02:03 Inner world, outer world
03:13 Spreading personal business
04:57 Paul's "thorn in the flesh"
09:32 Jesse, "cult leader"
12:16 We're all the same
14:40 Jesse's early BOND days
15:43 The Father in me
16:14 Donald Trump
17:48 Thoughts are wicked
18:26 Learning the hard way
19:26 Brainwashing
20:12 No opposition to the lie
21:35 Not my plan
22:44 Tell the truth, oppose the lie
23:13 "MAPs"
24:20 You're not special

Clip from Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, November 14, 2021: Jesse urges a young man who's recently broken up with his girlfriend to stay with prayer. We all need to deal with the little things in life so that we can deal with the bigger things. There is an inner world of wisdom, that says to forgive, and an outer world of deception, that encourages anger.

We all have failings that we must overcome. Do not put anyone over you. It's not Jesse, but the Father in him. People put Trump on a pedestal, and then turned on him when they disagreed.

Coming to Los Angeles, Jesse was told that whites were "racist," and no one opposed the lie! So by way of anger he was brainwashed like many blacks. God wants you to bring light to the world.

FULL VIDEO: 11/14/21 The Outer World vs the Inner World (Church) https://youtu.be/xr7_zFh3m8k

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://rebuildingtheman.com/11-14-21-church/

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday 11 AM Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles, California, USA - http://rebuildingtheman.com/church

SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | AUDIO https://soundcloud.com/rebuildingtheman/silent-prayer

PLAYLIST: Recent Services (2016-present) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVqjzIOc_QoP6przIhg6O1Iti9hzK9n1Q

PLAYLIST: Older Services (2008-2010+) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVqjzIOc_QoNYs7rgye3uaXkmziRdj8mU

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