The SELF-HATRED of Margaret Sanger and by extension today's democrats

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2 years ago

Caught in this "vicious circle," woman has, through her reproductive ability, founded and perpetuated the tyrannies of
the Earth. Whether it was the tyranny of a monarchy, an oligarchy or a republic, the one indispensable factor of its
existence was, as it is now, hordes of human beings; human beings so plentiful as to be cheap, and so cheap that
ignorance was their natural lot. Upon the rock of an unenlightened, submissive maternity have these been founded;
upon the product of such a maternity have they flourished.
No despot ever flung forth his legions to die in foreign conquest, no privilege−ruled nation ever erupted across its
borders, to lock in death embrace with another, but behind them loomed the driving power of a population too large for
its boundaries and its natural resources.
No period of low wages or of idleness with their want among the workers, no peonage or sweatshop, no child−labor
factory, ever came into being, save from the same source. Nor have
famine and plague been as much "acts of God" as acts of too prolific mothers. They, also, as all students know, have
their basic causes in over−population.
The creators of over−population are the women, who, while wringing their hands over each fresh horror, submit anew
to their task of producing the multitudes who will bring about the next tragedy of civilization.

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