We The People Can Enact Change via an Initiative ! - NVAP Presentation - Clip 32 of 32

2 years ago

The 5 Proofs of Fraud

1. We had 4,001 more votes counted than registered voters that voted.

2. 4 times on election night, the Secretary of State posted on our Nebraska vote results website that Trump got negative votes.

3. Only one county, Lancaster, had 4.5% more registered Republicans than Democrats and Joe Biden won. In fact, over 10,000 Republicans voted for Biden.

4. Like all fraudulent elections targeting a result, our precincts counted their votes and prearranged, over the 3 days it took to count 90% of the vote, that the precinct with the most Biden votes submitted first and then, in order, the precincts reported with increasing Trump votes until the precinct with the most Trump advantage submitted last.

5. Twice the Secretary of State posted on the Election Results website that the Presidential vote total was low and at the incorrect ratio and then corrected the results. One time this was with a drop to zero votes for both candidates followed by a huge 4% change from one instant to another.

The 5 Whys of Fraud

1. Dozens of Affidavits showing multiple ballots sent to people who; were dead, had moved and had not requested them.

2. No independent verification and validation of our voting machine software and hardware to check for fraudulent software modules or hardware modifications.

3. Gross over registrations and over voting attendance numbers proven by affidavits.

4. 43rd out of 50 states for Election Integrity according to analysis by the Heritage Foundation.
5. Voting officials and Executive branch members overlooking Lancaster County, the ONLY county in the state where Presidential results did not match the registered voters in the County. In Lancaster County all independents and 13% of all Republicans voted for Joe Biden.

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