I made a LEGO auto-clicker to cheat at Minecraft

3 years ago

In this video, I build a LEGO Autoclicking robot to cheat at Minecraft and fight Minecraft Youtubers to prove that cheating it LAME.

Check out Heli3x's Video: https://youtu.be/6bBYjOaigt8

Check out Derpled: https://www.youtube.com/c/Derpled

Check out Brickinvention: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDEgqJevldyqEnZiOHnRi3g

Check out TD Bricks: https://www.youtube.com/c/TDBRICKS

Friend me on Hypixel = Brick_Science
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rileysc66496964?lang=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brickscience_official/?hl=en

Huge thanks to everyone who participated in this video, and helped me with this. I wanted to make this to prove the point that even with an auto-clicker, cheating doesn't make you better at the game, nor does it make it more fun for you or anyone else. practice hard if you want to be good.

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