Let 3 - Dijete u Vremenu - live @ Beer Fest 2018

3 years ago

Band Let 3 performing on Main stage of Belgrade Beer Festival their hit song Dijete u Vremenu, that is actually cover of two famous songs, music is borrowed from Deep Purples Child in Time and lyrics from Saban Saulic song Dodji Da Ostarimo Zajedno.

Let 3 is a modern rock band from Rijeka, Croatia formed in 1987. The band frontmen are Damir "Mrle" Martinović and Zoran "Prlja" Prodanović. The band is popular in Croatia and other former Yugoslav republics due to their original approach to rock music and their obscene live performances. Sometimes provocative and vulgar lyrics and always shocking live performances with much nudity often polarize the public.

The Belgrade Beer Fest is an annual festival of beer in Belgrade, Serbia. Started in 2003, the festival is held annually over five days each August as a showcase event for various beer producers. In addition to domestic and foreign brews, the festival features live music performances each evening.It has quickly grown in size and popularity: in 2004, it attracted over 75,000 foreign visitors to Belgrade and in 2005 it was the second most visited festival in Serbia with 300,000 visitors. In 2009 it attracted more than 650,000 visitors, and in 2010 the festival attracted about 900,000 visitors.

The festival entrance is free.

Gledam u tužnu jesenju noć
S pokisle grane lišće odpada
U daljini čujem muziku neku
I pitam sebe
Gdje li si sada
Ja svakog dana proklinjem sebe
Zašto te drugom prepustih lako
Pjevao sam pjesme
Nado se boljem
I bezbroj puta uz gitaru plako
Nisi me voljela u ono vrijeme
A ja sam želio samo jedno
Sad kada nismo ni mladi ko nekada
Dođi da ostarimo zajedno
Da li još pamtiš ljubavi moja
Kako smo ruže zajedno brali
Gdje li si sada mladosti moja
Zašto su tebe od mene ukrali
Achtung, achtung
Ein animalischen sex
Mit die zwei Penzioneren
Sport und elegantisch
Oder extravagantisch
Atentione, atentione
Für die grosse Erection
Liebe Penis, liebe zwei
Liebe sex abnormal
Nisi me voljela u ono vrijeme
A ja sam želio samo jedno
Nisi me voljela u ono vrijeme
A ja sam želio samo jedno
Sad kada nismo ni mladi ko nekada
Dođi da ostarimo zajedno

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