CENSORED: FAUCI VIDEO 12 = All-Cause Mortality and a 42.8% Increase in Deaths

2 years ago

I know you’re busy, so I am going to help summarize this book for you in easy 3-minute segments. Find them on TikTok —>> fatesabitch91

This is why you should not trust any government official especially when it comes to your health and well-being. 
 During a six-month trial studying the vaccine to be injected into all Americans, one person died from Covid in the control group, who got the vaccine. And two people died from COVID in the placebo group. This data point is the pharmaceutical companies claim that the vaccine is 100% efficacious against death. Because after all, two is 100% greater than the number one, right? Remember 22,000 vaccines would have to be given to save a single life from Covid, supposedly. A vaccine given MAY prevent 1 death in every 22,000 recipients. 
 The six month clinical data for the Covid vaccine suggested that while the vaccine may of or a single death from COVID-19 (1 life saved for every 22,000 shots given) the vaccinated group suffered four times the number of lethal heart attacks as the unvaccinated. In other words 20 people died of all-cause mortality in the vaccine group versus only 14 people who died in the placebo group. 
 That means that there were 42.8% more deaths in the vaccine group than in the placebo groups. 
 BOOK: Page 79 - “Under FDA guidelines, Researchers must attribute all injuries and deaths among the study group during clinical trials to the intervention (the vaccine) unless proven otherwise.” 
 Under that rule the FDA would have to assume people who take the vaccine have a 42.8% increased risk of dying. It may not be from the “injection” but you have an increased risk of dying from something else. I wonder if there is a correlation? This safety report was so damning it should have stopped the vaccine from having any type of approval emergency use authorization or otherwise, but it was allowed to flow freely into unsuspecting Americans’ arms. And the fact that our government allowed this to happen should make you NEVER trust the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, NIAID, Anthony FAUCI and ANY Pharmaceutical Company EVER again.

These are the types of shenanigans that have been going on SINCE FAUCI took control at the NIAID. FORTY YEARS, every single “study” - all the “science” - that got passed through the FDA and CDC - just think about the implications of this! 
 Get off the big Pharma teat - they are sycophants and you’re the test subject PAYING to be experimented on! 
 Stay tuned for the next installment.

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