MZTV 803 - 09/28/2021: God's Sting Operation

3 years ago

God purposely sets "low-hanging fruit" (i.e. easily misunderstood Scripture passages) in front those who love traditions and acceptance by their fellow humans above a love for the truth. When the religionists pluck this fruit (i.e. when they choose to believe the hearing-tickling lies imbedded in the mistranslated Scripture) they out themselves as lovers of tradition and haters of God. They will be made painfully aware of their tainted motives at the Great White Throne judgment. For now, they are oblivious.

In the meantime, those of us understanding the working methods of God (He makes it necessary to dig a layer beneath the surface in order to find the truth, implanting the motivation Himself, which is a hunger FOR truth), the same "opportunity" that damns the tradition-bound grants to the truth-seekers a means of distinguishing themselves (it is all of God) from the whitewashed posers. Thus, purposely mistranslated Scripture (purposely mistranslated by God) provides a two-edged sword upon which, to the one side falls the traditionalists, and to the other those seeking after the heart of God.

In all of this, God has done humanity a favor, exposing itself to itself, the big reveal realized when the hearts of all, both good and evil, become manifest.

This does not prevent God, of course, from becoming "all in all" (1 Corinthians 15:26) at the consummation of the eons.
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