MZTV 791 - 09/10/2021: Are Unbelieving Family Members Automatically Saved By Believing Ones?

2 years ago

Every now and then I must remind you that eonian life comes via faith in Christ, which comes via the power of God. There is no other way of eonian salvation. If marrying a believer was a portal to eonian life, then human associations would be on a par with faith in Christ. Nowhere is this even suggested in Scripture. The very concept unnerves the spiritual ear. Do we ever read: "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by living with a believer"?

This means that children, too, come to Christ only by believing the message of the evangel of the grace of God. Do not despair over this. The gospel is so simple that a two-year old can believe it. In fact, a two year-old is much more likely to understand and receive the evangel than an adult who has been pummeled for decades by the false messages of Christianity.

Teach your children the evangel of the grace of God. Teach your spouse. A nasty by-product of the rotten teaching of "salvation by human association" is that heralding the gospel becomes superfluous. Why bother heralding when salvation comes, not by hearing the Word, but by living under the roof of a believer? A false assurance thus settles in, and opportunities for teaching whizz by, untouched, like so many dandelion seeds in the wind.

This false teaching preys upon the emotionally weak who only want the best for their family members. And yet who doesn't want the best for their family members? Is this what you want? Good. Then herald the evangel of the grace of God.
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