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2 years ago

LAWs are self evident! They are unchangeable, unalterable, immutable, invariable, unvarying, invariant, changeless, firm, fixed, hard and fast, cast-iron, set in stone, set, decided, established, permanent, deep-rooted, enduring, abiding, lasting, indestructible, ineradicable, irreversible, unfading, constant, perpetual, eternal, lifelong, incommutable, perdurable, immovable and unstoppable.

These Mafia criminal parasites will not escape their reckoning, no amount of censorship will ever save them from their punishments!
People should boycot ALL organizations who work with these criminals including Youtube. Do not watch their filthy world, do not talk about them, do not use any of their products or services, do not eat their food and do not have any relationship with them. Leave any job you have in their companies.
Trust in the people, that we will make new companies, better organizations, better food, and entertainment, better services and that together anything is possible. We do not need them and we will never need them.
Let's not be afraid to start a new, let's be afraid to ever have to depend on wicked evil criminal parasites.


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