See how "Hollywood" attempts to make "ALL" Conspiracy Theorists Crazy

2 years ago

'Netflix Disjointed' - Mix a bit of truth with a bit of "crazy" and you can convince everyone that "its ALL crazy". "Don't look there or you'll be ridiculed" "Be a good and obedient citizen and we won't laugh at you"

In the episode, it shows the "mind" of a character who is a "Conspiracy Theorist".

From the Netflix show "Disjointed"
Starring:Kathy Bates,Aaron Moten,Tone Bell
Creators:Chuck Lorre,David Javerbaum
Part 2, episode 8. 17 minutes into the episode.

In the "Conspiracy Theorists" Mind:

[[=== "Every time a new baby is born, the Federal Reserve issues a secret Birth Certificate printed by a company called the American Bank - that way the government can use people as currency to back the debt they have with the World Economic Forum which owns the Central Banks of every nation on earth.

But the WEF is just a front for the Council on Foreign Relations, which maximized the 9/11 attacks as a pretext to invade Iraq, take the oil and install fast food chains to make people slow, fat, and easily abductable by the Shape-Shifting Reptilian aliens it works with.

Now, back in the 30's, FDR made a deal with these reptilians to exchange people for technology. That was the basis of the new deal.

But ever since, they've been slowly replacing all the World Leaders to create a Nuclear Holocaust to make Global Warming real for their take-over. That's how they made up the Cold War by sending rockets to space Neil Armstrong was faking the moon landing.

Now they're using satellite waves, contrails (chemtrails), and measles vaccines as mind-control, and fluoridating the water, and keeping people's gold-fillings in tact, so they can be sent back to the Federal Reserve - where all the gold and birth certificates are stored by the real puppet master, The World Monarch, who was himself only a servant of the All-Seeing eye who controls everything in the world. ===]]


A lot of truths and half-truths in there mixed in with the crazy.

I'll do a blog post about this when I have time, to reference and discuss the truths. This is a great video to show people how Hollywood influences --- or rather "conditions" society into dismissing / laughing at / scoffing at / turning away from "everything" as a ridiculous conspiracy whilst hiding truth in plain site.

They definitely don't want people to know about the Federal Reserve birth certificate thing :)

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