JJ Medicine - (Acute Rhinitis), (Coronaviruses), Risk Factors, Transmission, Symptoms - (Re-Upload)

2 years ago

Protection from Covid-19 is provided by infection from the common cold coronavirus family.


One could argue, if you count deaths from Sars-Cov-2 specifically with Covid-19 as the underlying cause of death it is no more than a slightly more infectious annual flu season.

Data below is slightly dated but reflects the current ratios of the Covid-19 death by age and preexisting commodities. Notice the age range from 0-59 then is measured by decades.


This is not a disease of the healthy under 70-80 years of age. This is in-line with the seasonal flu (In 2017 there were 1,255 deaths due to influenza, recording a standardised death rate of 3.9 per 100,000 persons.).

11/02/2022 deaths = 4,479 since 25/01/2020
over the last 2 years that's 2,240 deaths per year. ADH claims approx. 11% ,approx 247 deaths with Covid-19 as the underlying cause. The remainder had preexisting conditions, geriatric or both.

We need to put this all into context as we are removing our right to privacy, movement, and freedoms for something that is not the threat described in the media.

Move than 17,500 people die of Coronary heart disease per year. We need some sensible decisions made moving forward.



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