Tucker Carlson Tonight 10 Feb 2022

2 years ago

Tucker pulls the mask off the fascists running the show now that a stark contrast between them and a real democratic popular uprising can be shown side by side. The Canadian Trucker's Freedom Convoy is the most obvious ground root, organic, multi-cultural coalition of peaceful citizens executing their God given rights to peaceably assemble and petition the government over grievances. Their hasn't been a clearer purely human rights protest anywhere in the world since South Africa in the 80's or the US in the 60's. Trudeau-Castro is WAY over his head on this and if he doesn't back down soon, his government will fall. The Globalist NWO types are behind him 100% because he and his government are the poster children of their desired government and desired government policies. If Trudeau-Castro's government falls, then the "Great Reset" is going to take a huge L and they will fight to the bitter end to stop that from happening. The protest has spread to the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, connecting Windsor Ontario and carries 25% of the daily economic trade between the two countries. DC and Mayor Pete are panicking (they don't teach this at McKenzie). Charlie LeDuff, Host of the "No BS Radio Hour" based in Detroit and a frequent guest, joins Tucker to discuss. Tucker also speaks with a black trucker named Carl Tharp-Porter who gives an excellent, eloquent defense of the Freedom Convoy.
Trace Gallagher joins Tucker to discuss our "Inflation Nation".
Lanhee Chen, a Public Policy expert at Stanford, joins Tucker to discuss China's goal to dominate the world through monetary policy. Their goal, according to Mr. Chen is to topple the US Dollar. He's spot on. This is must watch TV.
Woke "Olympics" update from the Olympic Peninsula. Jason Rantz from Seattle joins Tucker to explain a legislative bill requiring life jackets with a carve out for native americans because "they're great at swimming". You can't make this stuff up. Ludicrous.
Harmeet Dhillon is going to have work for life with the latest DHS plan to investigate American citizens that disagree with the IIC Regime. OK Fascists. This is as dangerous a document I've ever seen. Keep your eye on how this progresses.
This last story is vitally important. Why do all these woke CEO's make decisions that are obviously against their best interest? Because Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock and the controller of TRILLIONS of private investment funds (YOUR FUNDS) tells them to. This is worse than George Soros. At least Soros is using his own money. In this case, Fink is using YOUR MONEY to demand policies you would despise. And who is behind Fink? China of course. Vivek Ramaswamy, author of "Woke, Inc" joins Tucker to pull the covers back on this vitally important issue.

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