A Long One: Gramovox Vertical Grooves Floating Record Player does over 20 minutes of Jazz.

3 years ago

The record player is a 2015 (kick-starter campaign) Gramovox Floating Disc Record Player. Gramovox is now Vertical Grooves LLC. This was picked up as a broken player on marketplace and we repaired it. It is playing through a 90s Sony STR-D790 receiver and Bose 201 speakers. It is being recorded through a Rode directional mic hooked to a GoPro 5 (it sounds way better in person). This is my guest room stereo, I also have vintage 70s stereo gear. If you want to see any videos of that (Marantz receiver, Polk speakers, etc.) tell me in the comments. This is playing an album from the 70s, recorded by an old friend's group, The Buffalo Disaster Jazz Band, the album is Son of Buffalo, and I have cued up side two.

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