The Bee Weekly: Thrash Metal Apologetics, Worship Leader Uniforms, and Star Trek Nerdery

3 years ago

The Babylon Bee analyzes some thrash metal apologetics, evaluates the current state of worship leader life with a real-life worship pastor, and talks to comedian Yannis Pappas!

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Kyle and Adam are joined by worship pastor and actor Jarret Lemaster to talk about this week at The Babylon Bee and also the thrash metal apologetics of Tourniquet. They also discuss what the expectations are of a modern worship pastor and the scene of Christian movie acting. The guys talk about what Whoopi Goldberg said on the View and some cases before the Supreme Court relating to the Banger and Bomb articles of the Week. Adam Yenser brings Weakly News and the guys all talk about their favorite thing this week in Stuff That’s Good. Kyle and Adam ask Jarret who he is and get into a discussion involving worship leader skinny jeans and acting in the Christian movie world.

Yannis Pappas then joins Kyle and Adam for a lengthy discussion. Viewers are also treated to the Joy of Painting With Hunter Biden sketch that Yannis did with The Bee. The Hate Mail this week is a bit of an epic saga that you don’t want to miss.

In the subscriber-exclusive lounge, subscribers get access to the full Yannis interview, get to hear Jarret’s answers to The Ten Questions, and also are treated with some spicy hate mail conspiracy theories about how The Babylon Bee is a CIA plant to propagandize its audience.

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