12/20/21 Mon. Kamala Harris Is Black! R.A. the Rugged Man vs Tim Pool!

3 years ago

Kamala Harris nearly cries on "Charlamagne tha God"! White rapper R.A. the Rugged Man apologizes after Tim Pool blow-up.
0:00:00 Mon, Dec 20, 2021
0:02:05 Hey, guys!
0:04:43 the Crucible: rap debate!
0:11:05 LUCAS: META
0:22:22 Lots of Supers!
0:37:42 Build Back Better
0:42:57 Kamala vs Charlamagne
1:00:13 "What Child Is This?" - Phil Hahn, Steve Johnson
1:03:21 Reading chat, Super Chats
1:09:17 RA the Rugged Man
1:28:15 Super: Jake Paul
1:31:32 Airport fight
1:38:34 DeSantis on CRT
1:59:13 Funny obituary
2:02:09 "Young Squire" - TrackTribe

The Hake Report, Monday, December 20, 2021: James appeared on "the Crucible" Saturday evening, Dec 18, debating rap and culture. Thanks! // INTERESTING CALLS — some mess of course. One longtime "friend" got banned! (SEE BELOW!) // "Build Back Better": Joe Manchin bails on Democrats. // Charlamagne tha God (Lenard Larry McKelvey) confronts Kamala Harris: Is Biden really president? // White rapper RA the Rugged Man blows up and then apologizes on liberal independent journalist Tim Pool's podcast; Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change jokes afterward. // Airport fight among "teens"(?) with commentary from Matt Walsh! // Ron DeSantis exposes CRT in education and corporations. //

MUSIC - Phil Hahn and Steve Johnson - "What Child Is This?" - from album Songs of Christmas // TrackTribe - "Young Squire" - from YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

Lucas from California talks about the metaverse, alternate realities, and simulation theory, but dismisses the KJV Bible.
Solomon from California condemns MGTOW as part of the attack on the family. He says men should be married with children.
Rick from Maine's unvaxxed, "healthy but heavy" brother was hospitalized with Omicron, clots, and other things!
Robert from Kansas gets banned after nasty chat behavior, and cussing on-air. Sorry, kids (and parents)!
Jeremiah from Louisiana thinks Hake thinks everything black is evil, and brings up a white person who did wrong.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/12/20/122021-mon-kamala-harris-is-black-ra-the-rugged-man-vs-tim-pool

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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