🚨🚨🚨 PROOF Part 1 of 4 - CANBERRA ⚡️Freedom Fighters 📡Under FREQUENCY☠️ Attack🚨🚨🚨

2 years ago

🤬PROOF PART 2 of 3- Canberra Protestors ⚡️were being hit with a ☠️ DIRECT ENERGY MICROWAVE WEAPON ☠️

🤬PROOF PART 3 - Canberra Protestors ⚡️were being hit with a ☠️ DIRECT ENERGY MICROWAVE WEAPON ☠️

No Wonder this guy's feeling very emotional - and it's not just Patriotism. Rounding everyone up in one place AND MICROWAVING THEM !!
***** 🚨🚨🚨 PLANDEMIC Video Playlist https://rumble.com/c/CONvid 🚨🚨🚨 ******

TOP 20 PLANdemic -- 5G // Frequency Connection. EMF Radiation Poisoning Mimics the same symptoms as a bad Flu.... now how bout that...
Human to A.i Stage 2 has begun.


🚨🚨🚨 CANBERRA ⚡️Freedom Fighters 📡Under FREQUENCY☠️ Attack🚨🚨🚨
**** STAY AWAY from that pole and the 4 X 4 trucks with the Frequency Direct Energy Weapon in it... Disable that pole !! And D.E.W Truck if you can. !! Or you ALL will get very sick..
Graphene Oxide when hit with a certain frequency is deadly.
Robbo Da Yobbo

... Deleting Cells
https://rumble.com/vrgdxu-deleting-cells.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g .. I love how the video is the info proving my point.... lol

CONFIRMED - the long nasal tests a) breaks the brain barrier ( which allows metal to the brain )
b) puts a little NANO-CHIP at the back of your neck ( which allows you to be tracked and controlled by frequency.. )
STAGE TWO - Human to A.i begins..


5G Weaponised Street Lights


You are now a PATENTED PRODUCT - well done


Mark of the BEAST Confirmed in China. Look how they 'scan' in. We warned you - this is NOT about a 99.9% Survivable rate - clot shot doesnt stop you from getting nor spreading nor dying from that common cold. They even called it EXPERIMENTAL V@X - did you not get YOUR are the experiment ?? STOP GETTING TESTED !!!!!!!!!! This is about human to Ai technology. Nanobots - Nano circuits and RFID implant chips. STOP BEING AN EXPERIMENT... Masks do more harm than good !!


NANO-BOT Nano Circuits confirmed in some Pfizer Clot Shots

# 8

R U Magnetic ? Part 2 - Graphene Oxide and NANO-BOTS - Welcome to the MATRIX

# 9

DR FRANC - Alien Fibers - Nano Censors - Clot Shot


World War 3Z - We are under EMP Attack


For all those Community College - TAFE Geniuses who studied how to install a phone line - so they know there is no such things as NANO-BOTS. Gotta love the SHEEPLE. Nano-Bots, turning you in to Ai - Cyborg, Transhumanism is their Agenda. - To plug you in to the Matrix for real.


HYDRA NANO-TECH found on a Trampoline. Trying to Ai you and putting Alien Technology inside your body. You need a full MAGNETIC PULSER - EMP devices to zap all the tiny Nano Circuits that are now being sprayed in the Geo-Engineering program and of course in the Cl0t Sh0t
Hail Hyrda - Hyrdas are Alien Technology - mostly sprayed in the Geo-Engineering program - but now they are in the food and V@X


COV19 on a 5G Tower Circuit Board.


Giggling GATES - Count the Smirks - This is called DUPING DELIGHT


Digital Tattoo - Mark Of The Beast - Nano Chip Implant - RFID chip. This is NOT about a virus


Are You Magnetic ? PART ONE - Try a Magnet or Tweezers all over your body.. See if it sticks.


NANO CENSOR !!! +++ Much more Found in Kill Shot ++ on the Useless Test Swab !! Ai - Cyborg Plugging you in to the Matrix is now REAL- Cancer - HiV - changing DNA - Biometric Data Nano Computer Chips !!!


NASA's Human to Ai Robot Plan for us all. - A MUST SHARE !


OMICRON - In a Bill Gates GAME telling you their plan



***** 🚨🚨🚨 PLANDEMIC Video Playlist https://rumble.com/c/CONvid 🚨🚨🚨 ******

- Those that got the Clot Shot that get zapped are having their cells deleted. I Predict a Mass Sickness and Weakness.
Cell Deleting 5G Weaponised Street Lights and HERE is my PROOF !!! 2nd video for the Fact Checkers... 5G Weaponised Street Lights

So make sure you are eating healthy CANBERRA FREEDOM FIGHTERS !!!
Take your shoes off to ground !!!!
TURN YOUR PHONE OFF when you sleep. As there is now evidence
If you are Jabbed the NANO-BOTS inside you are about to go to work.
World War 3Z - We are under EMP Attack
People are being " ZAPPED " by their phones and DROPPING !!! You have been warned..

4 X 4 s seen with the 5G Frequency Weapons already strapped to the roof - Stay away from those TRUCKS !!! Disable them and the poles !!!

You are UNDER ATTACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are Deleting your CELLS !!!


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ROBBO DA YOBBO - Aussie Conspiracy Comedian

***** 🚨🚨🚨 PLANDEMIC Video Playlist https://rumble.com/c/CONvid 🚨🚨🚨 ******

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