BASES 121 Part One introducing Bonnie Jean Mitchell - Alien Contactee

2 years ago

Bonnie Jean Mitchell is a highly advanced, and well schooled Alien Contactee and 'Milab-ed'. She left the United states in 2014, as she and her husband could see the beginning of militarization of the US.
Now in Uruguay, she gives this introductory interview for the Bases project.
This is a extremely advanced situational report on the Abductees, the Milabs, and advanced human perception skills. Some say Total Intent Manifestation "TIM"

The Bases project continues with a second part with more planned.
The subject matter and the level at which Bonnie is discussing her experiences is far more advanced than has been widely accepted before.
She has been on Project Veritas.

Bases no longer accepts Youtube as a valid platform.

this is a TEST

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