U.S. Senator Mitch McConnel Grabs the Knife he Stuck into Donald Trump's Back and Twists It

2 years ago

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnel decided on Feb 8 2022 that he didn't just want to support Joe Biden's "move in the right direction regarding Ukraine" as he put it a few days earlier, but that he also felt it would be beneficial to deny all of the massive amounts of evidence that the 2020 election was rigged and side with the Democrats, as well as the RINO Liz Cheney, and the Forum of Young Global Leaders member and fake Republican Adam Kinzinger and claim that the January 6 2021 event at the U.S. Capitol was a violent insurrection rather than calling it what it really was, a "false flag".

That is what we believe it was, a false flag, and we believe that it was planned and carried out by the FBI, the DOJ, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, as well as Mitch McConnel and Lindsey Graham in order to ensure the evidence that had been collected and compiled by several House Representatives and painstakingly put together into a presentation to show the American people what was going on would never see the light of day or gain any media attention.

Unfortunately for the American people, the false flag was successful, and its planners, the deep state, successfully stopped the disclosure of the hard evidence of the election rigging to the people who deserved to see it and know about it. They accomplished that and at the same time ensured they'd have political prisoners to torture for more than a year in the Washington, DC jail for having done nothing more than trespass at most, and some would argue that even trespassing is a stretch. In reality, these political prisoners were simply pawns that were setup by the government to keep the focus off of them.

Mitch McConnel should have been censured immediately after making the statements that he did in this clip, and removed from his leadership role as Senate minority leader and replaced with a real conservative who would honor his or her oath of office. Mitch McConnel is unpredictable in the sense that you never know when he's going to start backstabbing members of his own party, which he has done many times in the past decades that he has been in the Senate.

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