Reiner Fullmich Delivers Opening Statements to Neuremburg 2.0 Grand Jury

2 years ago

Welcome to Sweatiest Nerd News! I'm Scott Scribner and here are the Headlines:

2020-02-08_Reiner Fuellmich - Opening Statements to the Nuremberg 2.0 Grand Jury

BoomBust on Odysee reports that Russia is set to Recognize Crypto as Currency.

Reiner Fuellmich made his Opening Statement to the Nuremberg 2.0 Grand Jury. Naming Angela Merkel and Bill Gates, two graduates of the "Young Leaders Program" of alleging
that these two aided and abetted the Crimes Against Humanity. Fuellmich concicely describes it as a plan for financial control. Even stating that the "Swine Flu" pandemic
was a previous plan by the same group to achieve the same goal. It is the opinion of this reporter that the cabal likely learned much from that "Plandemic" that they would
impose during the "Corona" pandemic.

RT's BoomBust program that I found on Odysee reports that Russia is set to Recognize Crypto as Currency.

BoomBust reports that just Months ago Russia warned against the adoption of Crypto, as that might endanger it's own currency. The Russian Government has agreed to draft
legislation or amend legislation that would allow for the use of crytpocurrency up to 600,000 ruples.

IN OTHER NEWS: Marijuana somehow helps against Covid. And Ivermectin may cure AIDS! I wonder if it's because of the antiparasitic properties of Ivermectin or the fact that
Ivermectin protects the lining of your cell nuclei.

In Celebrity News: That really hot blonde chick that really needs a breakout Blockbuster movie just turned 31. Happy Birthday! Tick Tock hollywood! Julia Roberts princess isn't getting any

That's all I have for you here at Sweatiest Nerd News. I'm Scott Scribner, signing off.

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