NWO Volume 2 The Illusion of Money - Smash the States

3 years ago

The Illusion of Money: New World Order: Secret Societies and Bible Prophecy Volume 2

COVID-19 and A Global Economy? What are the true origins of COVID-19... Rember "Never let a good crisis go to waste"

In god We Trust?

You work for money all your life, but do you know what money is, where it came from, and how it affects you? This video is a 5,000 year survey of the history and dynamics of money. This presentation shows how money is a focal point of Bible prophecy. It is the economics lesson you will want to learn.

With over 5,000,000 views, the second installment in the NWO: Secret
Societies and Bible Prophecy series is about to be released... before the financial house of cards comes down.

By Imagine Productions Leonard Ulrich

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