The Stormkeep #14 - How to Counter Everything #1 - Be'lakor and The Legion of the First Prince

3 years ago

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Episode #14 - We talk how to play against the increasingly-popular Legion of the First Prince list.

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:04:30 - Legion of the First Prince Allegiance Overview
0:10:31 - Be'lakor
0:14:06 - Daemon Prince (KHORNE)
0:18:05 - Kairos Fateweaver
0:22:10 - Blue Scribes & Contorted Epitome
0:24:55 - Horrors of Tzeentch
0:28:16 - Misc. Units
0:32:05 - LOTFP Strengths & Gameplan
0:36:10 - LOTFP Limitations & Weaknesses
0:42:40 - How Stormcast Counter LOTFP
1:03:35 - Will the Nurgle 3.0 Battletome Impact LOTFP Lists?
1:09:38 - Upcoming Videos & Patron Shout-out

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