How to Major Gift Fundraise

3 years ago

We all want to find that one donor who can write a MASSIVE check.

Well, how do you get the big BIG check?

How do you find the MAJOR donor?

I've had my share of success stories in the arena of major gift fundraising, and if I could offer you some advice, it would be this:
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Brice Sokolowski is not your typical fundraiser. After enjoying a successful career in technology consulting in various cities (Dallas, San Francisco, Paris, Abu Dhabi, and London) around the world, he left it to help my Catholic diocese in London, England with a fundraising campaign. The campaign went on to raise over $50 million, the largest sum ever raised for the Catholic Church in the United Kingdom.

Learning from professional fundraisers, I figured out the basics and then left the diocese to focus on what I love doing most:

To help build Catholic charities, parishes, religious orders, and lay aposolates that change the culture and bring people to Our Blessed Lord.

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