New Zealand Christchurch Sky Watching Series - OT Chan Live Sky Watch-006 - new night vision camera

2 years ago

#skywatchNZ #UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #aliens #aliens
#UFOLOGY #SamsungSmartphone3cameraModel

N.Z. Ch-Ch
[00:00] (1) New Zealand Christchurch Sky Watching Series - OT Chan Live Sky Watch
[01:10] (2) Another test run with some new Gear - New Colour Night Vision Camera
using 2 portable 12 volt battery packs
[01:06:20] (3) (9:39pmNZ) Charlie Roo (Dog) on color Night vision but why is it only RED
odd? faulty camera or white LEDs needed to be on but would of been
like a spot light on dog! (and blind him like 300watts eqv)

Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting

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