Luke 8:16-21 “Listen to Understand”

2 years ago

In Luke and Marks gospel Jesus says, “Take heed,”
Luke: “Take heed to how you hear.”
Mark: “Take heed to what you hear.”
To take heed means to “see.” or “have the power of understanding,” to ‘discern,’ or to “perceive.”
Jesus is saying, “Do you see what I did here with the soils, I used the condition of the soils to illustrate the condition of your heart.”
Do you hear what I am saying? Do you understand? Because if you hear and understand...than there must be a response.
And that response is…that we are shining our light…which reflects Jesus in us…for all to see.
So, others can know the heart of Christ through us!
If our hearts are right with the Lord…our Light should be shining for all to see…and they should be experiencing the love of Christ through us!

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