Finding Infrasound / Infraschall

3 years ago

2021.01.27 01:34
After months, for me pure Terror.
I have gone to my max to find out,
Why I was having following Problems:
Throbbing in my Ears.
A Lose of Hearing on both sides and a gain of Tinnitus on both sides.
Sleeping, 2 - max. 5 Hours sometimes going days without sleeping.
Heart Racing, Pulse standard 76 Bmp - at times 131+ Bpm.
and the List goes on.
Most of the time now I can't stop shaking.

It is my firm believes that Infrasound can Kill a person in one way or another.!
Physically due Health degradation,
Psychology, It's alot to take. It is a form that has been used to Torture.
The only way out is too FIND th Source!!!

For anyone needing Help, South Germany, Write me.

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