I Can Hear The Sound…….

3 years ago

Those of you that have followed me for a while and I subscribed and followed me even into the depths of Dahboo 7 and after hours with B and the other’s. “The Crew” ,…… that’s what we were called.

This is a short video well I guess it’s actually quite a long video covering the facts in our coverage of the 2017 election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

There is also a brief segment identifying Sargent Spencer Cannon, The PIO is what they call them, that would be the public information officer of the Salt Lake County, in what will be just a brief glimpse of my very first time where I stood up and decided to take action and take matters into my own hands, independent of main stream media. If you have periscope or Twitter you may be able to find it. It was in fact the first time that I’ve ever stepped up to the plate and entered in to a active crime scene and interviewed a major figure within the law enforcement community which involved a bomb scare at a local elementary school in Salt Lake County. The school was Eagle Valley Elementary.

The Video:


There is also brief footage of the car that was used to threaten an elementary school with a bomb.

I suppose you could call this…….. A trip down memory lane. It was my finest hour representing “Independent Media”.

Please be aware that the last part of the video is from the Wachowski brothers, from the movie “The Matrix“. Obviously, this material is under full copyright with so many organizations I shutter to list them all. However, I yield to the owners of this fine movie first which is now well now, four movies.

Be advised, I will make no money whatsoever in advertising revenue or in any other way profit from this presentation of a similitude of my life experiences , comparing it to the matrix experience. I am not trying to copy the matrix franchise. I will not make any money whatsoever off of this video. I will, I suspect , almost immediately , receive a copyright notice and a rather terse notice from YouTube indicating that I violated copyright standards and so on and so forth….. however, my name is Mr Anderson.

I apologize on how poorly I was able to , well, or rather how ineffective I was able to , edit this video and the accompanying ancillary information.

When I first shot this video and experienced the unbelievable Hypocrisy that exists in politics, it surely was shocking to me and my only intent here is to share it with you ,some of it anyway, and thank some of the individuals that helped open my eyes to the world around me.

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