003 Snack-Size STC: Is TOLKIEN FANDOM about to see THEIR own ‘THE LAST JEDI’ moment?

3 years ago

The first of many SALTY SNACK-SIZE CLIPS of my Tuesday night LIVESTREAMS. This one features MVP-Maxfield Von Priestley and our conversation from 2/1/2022.
The panel discusses in the status of ALIENATED FANDOMS for Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars... and is there such a thing as ‘good’ Woke content?

We also share our observations and concerns with what has been shown for Amazon's Lord of the Rings THE RINGS OF POWER (LotRtRoP). Is the TOLKIEN Fandom about to face their own Star Wars LAST JEDI moment?

Channel for Maxfield Von Priestley: https://youtube.com/channel/UCJRgi9OShrad3c9uk_VaUtQ

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