Jesus will destroy all the wicked!!!

3 years ago

God has had enough and in the tribulation period He will unleash His fierce anger on everyone left behind and will pour out His judgements, the tribulation period will be the worst period ever and many will be going thru it because they are not ready to go be with Jesus, you can't wear what you want and enter heaven, it is like a man who walked in and wasn't wearing a wedding garment the king asked friend how did you get in here without a wedding garment on and he told his servants bind that man hand and foot and caste him into outer darkness, then I saw the new Jerusalem and nothing impure shall enter or does what is shameful or decietful but only those whose names are written in the Lamb book of life shall enter, God has had enough and the trumpet is about to sound and thousands of people will just be gone!! Then the antichrist will rise to power and he will!! Time is up and Jesus is not coming in March or April but now!!! Russia is very angry now and after the rapture happens WW3 will break out and the tribulation period will begin

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