Antiwhite Commenter: Nonwhites Are Better Mates

2 years ago

@No White Guilt responds to a comment asking him what he would do if his child started to date a nonwhite.

"What will you do if your child starts to grow up and date a nonwhite?"

"Your question presupposes that my children will be antiwhite. What will you do if your children decided to put an end to antiwhiteism?"

"My question presupposes that a child who grows up in America today, where 50% of the newborn children are nonwhite will come into contact and befriend numerous nonwhite people. Romantic relationships will emerge out of these friendships as evidenced by the millions of interracial marriages over the last several decades. Studies have shown that a child's non-shared environment is a greater determinant of life outcomes than the shared (i.e. home) environment. Ergo, the child is far more likely to be influenced by things they hear and see outside your home. This channel consistently espouses practical solutions. Do you genuinely believe that you can convince your children to never enter into meaningful relationships with nonwhite people in modern-day America, where 94% of people don't have a problem with interracial marriage?

"I noticed that you didn't answer my question and that you revealed that you are a Hitlerian cultist, with your brand new channel on YouTube and your implied support of Hitlarians 'at least they are honest about their intentions.' You know nothing of Going Free. My children will be inoculated against MPs in the world. By way of love, they will learn the value of Westernkind and the reward of that inheritance. They will choose to preserve and ennoble what they cherish. The children in Hitlerian households will hate others, and they will turn on their parents. But at least they are honest haters, right? Nonetheless, whether you are a Hitlerian or a run-of-the-mill antiwhite, your position that nothing can be done about white erasure is an endorsement of it. You disgust me. You would never condone such a fate for any other race. Now, answer me or get blocked: what will you do when your children, having come into contact with white wellbeing, decide to put an end to antiwhiteism?"

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