2 years ago

I’m here to change the narrative around what it means to be a fully resourced spiritual entrepreneur. It's time to drop the martyrdom and fully lean into what’s available to you.

I know you are trying desperately to figure out how to create stability and security in your life and business.

I feel you.
I feel your frustration, stress, sadness and your pain.

You are journaling, meditating and even rocking your inner game.
But yet, you are ending up in the same place at the end of every month. Wondering where all the money went and how you are going to generate it all again next month.

Wondering if you will even be able to CONSISTENTLY reach those elusive 10, 20, 30K months.

I hear you.
I hear the inner mind/soul war that is raging inside of you. The battle between doing what is soul aligned and doing what you think you “should” do.

And I’m calling you out.

You can’t keep expecting people to pay you when you won’t invest an equal or greater amount in yourself.

The Universe just won’t support that shit. Not in 2022.

This year is about complete and total alignment. And the energy that is coming through is NOT FUCKING AROUND.

You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results.
You can’t keep doing it YOUR way…when you don’t even know what the fuck you are doing. And YOUR way OBVIOUSLY isn’t working.

I know that you are fucking exhausted from TRYING to make it all work.

I know because I have been there, I've fought those same demons.

There is a better way.

I’m calling you to step up and become the next level version of yourself.

To stop the GRIND and step into the FLOW.
I’m calling on you to DECIDE.

Decide it is time to be fully SEEN…
To bring yourself and your businesses into BEING…

I’m calling you to join me for a 3 month journey that will change everything you thought you knew about how to do business.

I’m calling you to come into FULL and RADICAL alignment with your mission.

Wealth Warrior is a 3 month hypermind for spiritual entrepreneurs, that KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt that they are going to make a difference and CHANGE THE WORLD. If your soul is feeling the call, email for more details.

*** Want to hear more from Leah? Listen to The Wealth Witch Podcast everywhere podcasts are streamed!

To get more of Leah’s daily musings REAL, RAW and UNCENSORED join her FREE Telegram Channel:

* For more information on Leah visit her website at *

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