The Douglas Coleman Show VE with Jacob Hunt

2 years ago

Jacob Hunt, also known as, "otherpoet" is a poet based in Brooklyn, NY. otherpoet's poetry seeks to break the boundaries of poetry and provide a place for every person to exist and breathe. He hopes that when you read his work, you feel a little less alone. Shift was published December 13, 2021.

"That's always been my favorite kind of art: the kind which lends itself to exploration. The Rocketman's experience, printed like space matter floating in the negative white of these pages, is something like an invitation, and I was surprised - on many an occasion - to find myself inside his suit." - Levi the Poet on shift

Welcome to shift, by otherpoet. a book for the lost, the broken, the unknown, the outcast, the dreamer, and the doubter. at its core, shift is about a person's healing journey. and that is the most beautiful thing about this story: anyone can find themselves in it. we have all been hurt, we've all had to heal, and none of us have any idea what we're doing. no matter where you are in your story, the highest peaks or the lowest valleys, you can be at home in the pages of shift.

Shift is a unique collection of poems told like an epic. each poem lends itself to the others, and though perspectives shift throughout the book, the pages tell a connecting story.

The poems of shift are not titled, each poem floats to its own rhythm on a single page resulting in a flowing, congruent story. otherpoet hopes that you will find your own meaning in each poem, your own cadence, and your own pace.

Shift was illustrated by the incredible artist Jericó Delayah. the book is full of vibrant, impactful illustrations, bringing shift to life.

As each poem and illustration takes up a full page, shift was converted into an 8x10 book in order to showcase the work. the matte finish of the covers make shift the perfect coffee table book for you to explore.

The last page of shift reads, "you are loved," and that is the most important message. in the end, the story is just that, a story. but it is one full of truths, simple and complex, so it is only fitting that it concludes with one of the most important truths of all: you are loved.

Instagram: @jjacobandrew

Twitter: @jjacobandrew

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