Stephanie Seneff: Deuterium, Glyphosate, and COVID

3 years ago

In this episode, I interview Stephanie Seneff, PhD, on her hypothesis about glyphosate, deuterium, and COVID.

Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at MIT, where she has had continuous affiliation for more than five decades. After receiving four degrees from MIT (B.S.. in Biophysics, M.S., E.E., and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), she has conducted research in packet-switched networks, computational modeling of the human auditory system, natural language processing, spoken dialogue systems, and second language learning. Currently a Senior Research Scientist (MIT’s highest research rank) at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, she has supervised 21 Master’s and 14 Ph.D. students. For over a decade, since 2008, she has directed her attention towards the role of nutrition and environmental toxicants on human disease, with a special emphasis on the herbicide glyphosate and the mineral sulfur.

Important Links
Here are the slides for the presentation she gave on this topic:

Here is her book:

Here is her web site:

00:00:31 Stephanie's bio
00:03:51 Her hypothesis in brief
00:08:25 Her path from virology to computer science and back to virology
00:14:20 Our common interest in educational video games
00:20:29 Evidence linking glyphosate to COVID
00:21:37 Glyphosate and biofuels
00:26:47 Evidence that glyphosate substitutes for glycine in protein synthesis and industry's argument against this
00:40:37 The specific role of glyphosate in COVID, interfering with lung surfactants
00:47:58 Selenomethionine as an example of non-toxic irregular amino acids that substitute for regular amino acids in protein synthesis
00:53:41 Vaping
00:57:14 NAD derivatives and the cells' deuterium depletion machines
00:58:02 G6PDH as the primary deuterium depletion machine
00:59:41 Glutathione, mucus fluidity, nitrosoglutathione, bronchodilation
01:03:26 Surfactants, hyaluronic acid gels, lipoxygenase, and the virus as deuterium depletion agents; deuterium and viral stabilization
01:14:54 Prion proteins
01:19:44 The spike protein as a prion protein
01:21:47 Spike protein toxicity depends on location and context, and may depend on glyphosate
01:27:42 Clotting, and platelets as deuterium-depletion and mitochondria-providing agents
01:32:40 COVID harms may depend on glyphosate status
01:34:15 Practical strategy around deuterium depletion and glyphosate avoidance for protection
01:37:09 Her position on the vaccines
01:37:46 Omicron
01:43:41 The vaccines suppress type 1 interferon and stimulates interferon-gamma
01:49:55 The virus vs the vaccines
01:51:06 Where did the virus come from?
01:58:09 Surveillance state and digital passports

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Content by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

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