Orkney Repeater Station Pylons - Netherbutton, Holm

3 years ago

Filmed 8/9/1985, Brian Aim, Bill Moar, Ernie & Michael Seatter climb the Pylons at Netherbutton, Holm in the Orkney Isles, Scotland. Their first attempt was thwarted by the Police, not believing Ernies excuse he was there to paint them!

Built during WW2 by the Air Defence, these transmitter aerials suspended from towers as high as 350', provided warning of air attack on Great Britain. A powerhouse was built at nearby Deepdale farm to the NW with two 60kw generators driven 175HP blackstone diesel engines.

The repeater stations were strategically placed to provide cover over the British fleet which were stationed in the nearby body of water Scapa Flow.

The last two pylons at Netherbutton were distmantled the following year.

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