Trudeau Deploys Globalist Police Force Against Historic Peaceful Protest

2 years ago

Globalist thugs and a potential false flag in Ottawa, Canada at the Freedom Convoy
Hi, if you are a police officer please know this:

One of you will be sacrificed by this cult that your government is a part of, why? Because it will convince antifa/extremists etc. that protesters and protesters alone are responsible for the bullet, blade or explosion that took your head off.

So are you going to risk your own life forcing others to do things when your actually already being considered a perfect target by military snipers or special ops?

Remember, they don't care about you, all they care about is your children
So don't let your children see you through "their" eyes, because when their wrath is kindled but a little, its THEM that makes the decisions, not you the mother or father.

So teach them truth, don't teach them obedience to authority.

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