RadEthelWynn/Baldurs Dream (Invocation)

2 years ago

4/11 Debut album...
(Indie, Folk, Pagan, Traditional)

I Invoke you by the doors of death
I have ridden to the doors of death
I invoke you by the doors of death
I revive you from the doors of death

Vegtam's song

Don't Be Silent, dont be silent, seeress
Its Baldur's dreams Baldur's dreams Baldur's dreams.
Don't be silent don't be silent seeress.

"Which man is that unknown to me
who makes me travel this difficult road?
I was snowed upon
I was rained upon dew fell on me Ive been dead along time."
v 5 Poetic Edda
Carolyne Larrington translation

(Wake up Groa! I invoke you by the doors of death
on the earth fastened stone sing charms to me)
(Svipdag) (Groa's Song) v1 v5


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