Efficiency, Carnot cycle most efficient.#Carnot cycle#

3 years ago

Efficiency, Carnot cycle,
Question-Why Carnot cycle is more proficient than other cycle like Otto, diesel, rankine and double cycle
Answer-Carnot cycle is more proficient than other cycle is Carnot cycle is remotely reversible and inside reversible and inside reversible. Other cycle like Otto, diesel, rankine and double cycle is inside reversible however not remotely reversible. Remotely reversible means when you are providing heat from source to engine you are providing heat at greatest temperature and when you are dismissing heat from to sink to engine you are dismissing heat at least temperature. At the point when you are providing heat at greatest temperature the accessible energy is more and when you are dismissing heat at least temperature then accessible energy is less. Accessible energy is simply hypothetical idea where we can get greatest work at higher temperature at dead state or environmental temperature. So more higher temperature more accessible energy where we can get most extreme work from the hotness. On the off chance that more temperature more accessible energy less temperature less accessible energy. So carnot cycle is more productive as it supply heat at most elevated temperature without any difference in temperature. This thing is just conceivable on the off chance that we supply heat gradually reversibly from source to engine and reject heat gradually from engine to sink.
Thank u to all for helping me to make the video.
# Carnot cycle# Thermodynamics# Engineering#
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